The main difference between them is that backup objects can be in an active or inactive state, while archive objects don't have this distinction. 二者之间的主要不同是备份对象可以处于活动或非活动状态,而归档对象则没有这种区分。
From the first look the reusing of backup object names for dbspaces seems to be a good approach because the previous version will automatically switch to the inactive state. 乍一看来,为dbspaces重用备份对象名称似乎是一种好方法,因为之前的版本将自动切换至不活动状态。
After an inactive state has been found, the entry in the rule dataset is removed to prevent further processing of an already-inactive host. 在找到一个非活动状态后,系统将删除规则数据集中的条目以防止对已经处于非活动状态的主机进行进一步处理。
The wait() method tells the current thread to go into an inactive state and wait for another thread to call notifyAll() on that object. wait()方法将通知当前线程进入非活动状态,并等待另一个线对该对象调用notifyAll()。
While standing engages muscles in your back, shoulders and legs, sitting presents no positive physical challenge to the body, forcing it instead into an inactive state. 站立能锻炼背部,肩部和腿部的肌肉,而坐不但没有对身体提出积极的体力考验,反而强制它进入懈怠状态。
On the contrary, the SCS summer monsoon tends to be weak when the inactive state is dominant for the low frequency oscillation. 反之,如果不活跃状态处于主导时,南海夏季风往往会偏弱。
To change or to cause a change of a process from an inactive state to a running state. 将一进程从不活动状态变为(或导致变为)运行状态。
A cool down helps slow your heart rate down and helps muscles and joints return to an inactive state. 放松可以帮你减缓你的心跳,帮助你的肌肉和关结恢复到运动前的状态。
Restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state. 从沮丧的怠惰的或空虚的状态中恢复过来。
Prevents melanin from forming by way of adjusting calcium ion density to keep the tyrosinase in inactive state. 藉由调整钙离子浓度,让酪胺酸酵素处于非活性状态,避免黑色素生成。
This eliminated inactive heirs to vast fortunes, semi-retired industrialists and former heads of state. 这一标准剔除了大笔财富的无为继承人、处于半退休状态的实业家和前国家元首。
The dormant, inactive state of a hibernating or estivating animal. 蛰伏冬眠或夏蛰动物所处的休眠,迟缓状态。
If the inactive state occurs at blocked inputs, the inactive period is started for them individually. 如果阻止的输入出现非活动状态,则将为这些输入分别启动非活动期。
"Scientists have found that viruses may sometimes remain inactive for years, but can quickly infect any defenceless cell." the state of being not yet evident or active. 科学家发现病毒有时可处于不活跃状态达数年时间,但是能突然感染任何无防御的细胞。
The Toxoplasma gondii parasite converts from an active state to the inactive cyst state when it is stressed, for example, by heat from fever. 鼠弓形虫在应激情况如发烧受热时会从活化状态转化为非活化的孢囊状态。
The torque ripple caused by diode freewheeling of the inactive phase during non-commutation state of PM brushless DC motor ( BLDCM) when using the PWM_ON type of pulse width modulation was analyzed. 分析了传统的PWMON调制方式对无刷直流电动机在非换相期间由于截止相的反并联二极管续流而导致转矩脉动的原因。
Goldsmith thinks, the financial structure is the comprehensive reflection of the financial inactive state, in this sense, the finance deepening is the course of financial structural optimization. 戈德史密斯认为,金融结构是金融静止状态的综合反映,从这个意义上说,金融深化也就是金融结构优化的过程。
Function Agent group was composed of several professional Agents and supervision Agent. The system was restructured and the mode of control was switched by changing the active or inactive state of Agents. 多个专业Agent和主管Agent组成功能Agent组,通过不同的Agent激活与后备构成Agent组的重构和控制模式的切换。
The Bcl-2 family member Bax is an apoptosis-promoting protein that normally resides in an inactive state within the cytoplasm of healthy cells. 在Bcl-2家族中,Bax是促凋亡蛋白。Bax以无活性状态存在于细胞浆内。
The natural course of chronic HBV infection is now perceived as consisting of 4 phases: immune tolerance, immune clearance [ hepatitis B e antigen ( HBeAg)-positive chronic hepatitis], inactive carrier state, and reactivation ( HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B). 慢性HBV感染的自然史现分为四期,即免疫耐受期、免疫清除期、非活动的携带状态期和再次激活期。
Methods Samples of 39 patients with SLE ( including 22 patients with inactive SLE and 17 patients with active SLE) and 13 health volunteers were analyzed to learn apoptosis state of peripheral blood lymphocytes. 方法分析39例SLE患者(包括稳定期患者22例,活动期患者17例),13例健康对照者外周血中淋巴细胞凋亡紊乱状态。
Firstly, the former mostly indicates negative concepts, such as bad emotion, indifferent attitude, inactive state, etc.. 首先,冷觉温度词多用来表示消极概念,比如坏的情绪、冷漠的态度、静止无声的状态、贫穷的经济条件,等等。
The selection procedure for the sigma points is the same as used for unscented Kalman filter if the constraints are inactive. However, some modifications are made to satisfy the state variable constraints when the constraints are active. 当约束不起作用时,sigma点的选择与无迹卡尔曼滤波相同;当约束作用时,对sigma点的选择进行适当修改以满足约束条件。
The implementation of affective education is beneficial to teaching and learning in a happy mood and changing teachers 'tendency of emphasizing perception and despising emotions and students' inactive learning state. 情感教育的实施有利于师生以愉快的心情教与学,改变教师重认知、轻情感的倾向和学生枯燥的学习活动状况,消除心理产生的负情绪,提高教与学的效率。